First level degree in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection A.Y. 2024/2025
President Prof. Francesca Beolchini - tel. 071 2204225 - email:
Quality Manager Prof. Alessandra Negri - tel. 071 2204709 - email:
Our BSc programme in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection belongs to the Italian class L-32 (Sciences and technologies for the environment and nature) and it was activated in 2002/2003, in collaboration with local authorities, such as the Municipality of Falconara (Ancona), the Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection of Marche Region (ARPAM) and the Department of Civil Protection, at National and Regional level.
The programme takes into account the current demand for training in environmental and civil protection.
Indeed, it integrates knowledge of basic sciences with in-depth skills relating to the environment and ecosystems, global changes, hydrogeological, seismic and volcanic hazards, environmental pollution, monitoring techniques, environmental remediation; moreover, a specialized training in civil protection is added on such scientific basis, in terms of forecasting, prevention and management of emergencies, which makes this course unique in the Italian and international scenarios.
For the access, it is sufficient to have either an Italian high school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad that is recognized as equivalent, without any entry test aimed at selection.
With the basic sciences (mathematics and statistics, physics, chemistry), the programme includes fundamental subjects in the biological area (biology, ecological) and in the earth sciences area (geology, oceanography, meteorology, climatology). On these foundations, specific subjects characterizing the environmental sciences are introduced - environmental protection (ecotoxicology, energy, environmental monitoring, environmental analysis, environmental remediation, environmental legislation), as well as civil protection (geography of risk and of disasters, IT and telecommunication tools for civil protection, civil protection statute, emergency management).
Considering that the lessons are in English, graduates in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection will also be able to fully use English technical-scientific language in the areas covered by the program. This aspect represents an important added value, considering the need for graduates working in the field of Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection to interact at an international level with the various stakeholders. Moreover, English lessons are opening our unique Course to international students, providing at world level experts for the prevention and management of emergencies due to environmental extreme events.
The training is complemented with laboratory and field practices, with internship periods in external institutions (either public or private) and in university laboratories, and highly professionalizing optional teaching modules (data analysis, chemical analysis of contaminants, GIS applications, creation of start-ups and business plans, intervention techniques in health emergencies, safety in the workplace).
The knowledge of the English language and the ability to independently assess different cases are also considered among the objectives of the training path. At the end of the studies, the degree in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection is awarded.
The title allows the access to first level Masters, Postgraduate Courses, and Master's Degree Courses of the LM-75 class and other classes activated at the Polytechnic University of Marche or at other universities.
In particular, a MSc in Environmental Hazard and Disaster Risk Management has been active for years at the Polytechnic University of Marche, which represents a natural follow up for the graduates of the course who intend to continue their second level university studies.
Graduates in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection can apply to Section B of the following professional registers: junior biologist, junior planner, graduate agricultural technician, graduate land surveyor. Job positions for our graduates include technical-operational tasks both in the public and private sectors, in the field of environmental monitoring, environmental remediation, civil protection.
- Role in a work context
Lab technician for chemical, biological and microbiological environmental analyses
Expert in the coordination of civil protection activities
Environmental monitoring technician
Environmental recovery technologist
Expert in environmental impact assessment - Skills associated with the role
Ability to cooperate in environmental and civil protection emergencies
Ability to carry out an assessment of the quality of environmental systems
Ability to manage environmental monitoring systems
Ability to evaluate and interpret environmental data
Ability to carry out field sampling and laboratory analyzes (chemical, biological, microbiological) of environmental samples
Ability to use IT and communication tools for civil and environmental protection
Ability to carry out environmental consultancy (environmental impact assessment)
Ability to carry out consultancy in the field of civil protection (drafting and evaluation of emergency plans)
Ability to coordinate environmental education projects
Ability to carry out authorization and control functions for compliance with environmental regulations at public bodies - Occupational opportunities
Job opportunities:
- public and private bodies responsible for the control and protection of the environment (national and regional agencies for environmental protection, etc.),
- public and private bodies dedicated to environmental monitoring,
- national and local bodies with civil protection functions,
- public and private research institutions dealing with the study of environmental conditions and pollution problems, with technical functions (Universities, CNR in Italy, ENEA in Italy, similar institutions in other Countries),
- industries of various nature (chemical, extractive, manufacturing, electronic, biotechnological, etc.),
- public bodies (ministries, regions, municipalities).The undergraduate degree allows the continuation of studies in master’s degrees relating to Sciences and technologies for the environment and the territory.
- Course-specific training objectives and course description
The graduates in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection are capable of managing the monitoring systems of environmental conditions, of any alterations due to catastrophic events and the impact of human activities, and of coordinating the many related activities for civil protection: analysis and prediction of risks, prevention, emergency management and rescue, post-emergency interventions. The complexity of these problems and the development of innovative methodologies in these sectors require the training of specialists with multidisciplinary university preparation and who have completed their knowledge with field experience.
In order to achieve the educational objectives, the degree course in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection includes:
- Basic elements of chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics.
- Basic knowledge of natural sciences aimed at providing adequate knowledge of the biotic and abiotic characteristics of the Earth system.
- Basic knowledge of thermodynamics, heat transmission and environmental well-being.
- Specialistic disciplines concerning the theoretical and methodological study of environmental protection, such as: ecology; environmental chemical analysis; environmental impact assessment; regulatory aspects on environmental matters; methods for restoring the natural environment and computer methodologies for the study of environmental conditions.
- Specialistic disciplines concerning the theoretical and methodological study of civil protection such as: prevention and prediction of natural disasters; disasters and emergencies; civil protection legislation; health emergencies; fundamentals of geoclimatic risks; IT tools and telecommunications for civil protection.
- Experimental, laboratory, field activities for no less than 100 hours.
- Activities aimed at facilitating professional choices based on internship periods in the premises of university labs, regional and national civil protection research and coordination centers, public/private bodies involved in environmental and civil protection.
- Ability to use technical language and to operate effectively both independently and in working groups.
- Ability to interact with the appropriate technical language and knowledge of basic concepts, with specialists in specific disciplinary sectors (physicists, chemists, biologists, ecologists, geographers).
- Development of the attitude to continuous training to adapt to various environmental and civil protection situations.