The National System of Higher Education in Italy
I. First cycle. Undergraduate studies consist in the Laurea Triennale - CL (1st cycle degree courses) aimed at providing undergraduate students with an adequate command of general scientific principles and mastery of methods as well as specific professional skills. The general access requirement is the Italian school leaving qualification (Diploma di Superamento dell'Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore), awarded on passing the relevant state examinations, after completion of 13 years of schooling; comparable foreign qualifications may also be accepted. Admission to individual degree courses may be subject to specific course requirements. First cycle degree courses last 3 years. The Corso di Laurea Triennale-CL (1st cycle degree) is awarded to undergraduates who have earned 180 credits.
II. Second cycle.
Graduate studies include:
A) Corsi di Laurea Magistrale - CLM (Master’s Degree);
B) Corsi di Specializzazione di 1° livello-CS1 (1st level specialization);
C) Corsi di Master Universitario di 1° livello-CMU1 (1st level vocational University Master’s Degree).
A) CLM are aimed at providing graduates with an advanced level of education and training for highly qualified professions in specific areas. Access to CLM requires an Italian 1st cycle degree (L) or a comparable foreign qualification; the course lasts 2 years. The degree, Laurea Magistrale - CLM (2nd cycle degree), is awarded to graduates who have earned a total of 300 credits, including those awarded for the 1st cycle degree that have been recognized for access to the CLM (max. 180); an original dissertation is also compulsory. A limited number of CLM are regulated by specific EU directives (CLM in dentistry, human medicine, veterinary medicine) and share the following different features: access to the course requires the Italian school leaving qualification or a comparable foreign qualification; admission is always subject to entrance exams; the course lasts 5 years (human medicine takes 6 years).
B) CS1 provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for highly qualified professions; they may be set up exclusively on the basis of specific Italian laws or EU directives. Access requires a Laurea (1st cycle degree) or a comparable foreign qualification; admission is subject to a competitive examination; course length varies between 2 and 3 years. The final degree, called Diploma di Specializzazione di 1° livello-DS1 (1st level Specialization degree) is conferred to graduates who have earned a total of 300-360 credits, including those awarded for the 1st cycle degree that have been recognized for access to the CS 1.
C) CMU1 consist in advanced scientific courses or higher continuing education studies. Access requires a Laurea (L) or a comparable foreign qualification; admission may be subject to additional conditions. The course lasts minimum 1 year. The qualification Master Universitario di 1°livello-MU1 (1st level University Master’s Degree) is awarded to students who have earned at least 60 credits.
III. Third cycle.
Postgraduate studies consist in the following types of degree courses:
A) Corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca-CDR(Research Doctorates );
B) Corsi di Specializzazione di 2° livello-CS2 (2nd level specialization courses);
C) Corsi di Master Universitario di 2° livello-CMU2 (2nd level University Master’s Degree courses).
A) CDR train postgraduates for very advanced scientific research or for professional appointments of the highest consequence; they envisage the use of suitable teaching methodologies such as updated technologies, study periods abroad, training periods in specialized research centres. Access is by an Italian 2nd degree (LS) or a comparable foreign qualification; admission is via highly competitive exams; the official course length is minimum 3 years. Doctoral students must prepare an original dissertation in order to be awarded the 3rd cycle degree called Dottorato di Ricerca-DR (Research Doctorate).
B) CS2 are aimed at providing postgraduate students with the knowledge and skills required for highly qualified professions; they may be set up exclusively on the basis of specific Italian laws or EU directives. Access requires an LS (2nd cycle degree) or a comparable foreign qualification; admission is subject to a competitive examination; course length is normally 1 year, except for all CS2 in the health sector which may take up to a maximum of 5 years.
C) CMU2 consist in advanced scientific courses or higher continuing education studies. Access requires an LS or a comparable foreign qualification; admission may be subject to additional conditions. Studies last minimum 1 year. The degree (Master Universitario di 2° livello-MU2) is awarded to postgraduates who have earned at least 60 credits.
University Educational Credits: degree courses are structured in credits (crediti formativi universitari). One university credit corresponds to 25 hours of work per student, including individual study time. The average annual workload of a full-time student is conventionally fixed at 60 credits.
Introduction to the Degree Courses in Sciences
Investing in education is still the most important step we can take for our own and future generations in order to improve our lives and our employment opportunities. In fact economic studies show that graduates earn more than those who do not have a degree, and that they also find work more easily . However, studying is not only a reliable guarantee for the future. It is, above all, a possibility to enhance our skills, cultivate our own interests, grow culturally and intellectually and, therefore, be able to improve our opportunities in the global market place.