Reproductive and Developmental Biology

Reproductive and Developmental Biology
Science- 2nd Building - First Floor
Research Activity
Responsible Prof. Oliana Carnevali Equipment
Research Activity
Research fields currently being developed in the laboratory are:
Study of the reproduction of bluefin tuna and swordfish for the development, monitoring, evaluation and management of systems for the allocation of the possibilities for fishing
Quality of the gametes in teleost;
Development of alternative diets for aquaculture;
Study of reproduction and rearing in captivity of ornamental marine species;
Identification of new species of phyto and zooplankton and nutritional improvement of zooplankton to be used for larval rearing;
Reproductive Toxicology as a tool for environmental monitoring;
Study of appetite control;
Use of Immuno modulators to improve the health of aquatic organisms;
Use of probiotics for improvement of growth and reproduction of organisms;
Use of nanomaterials in aquaculture
Biotechnology of Human Reproduction
giovanili di amphiprion ocellaris allevati in cattività
Research Grants 
2016 MIIPAF : Studio della riproduzione del Tonno rosso e del pesce spada per lo sviluppo, il monitoraggio, la valutazione e la gestione dei sistemi per l’assegnazione delle possibilità d pesca (O.Carnevali Principal investigator )
2015 GFI 2014 (Grant for Fertility Innovation) IR Microspectroscopy on GCs: a new non-invasive oocyte assessment-Funded by Merk Serono (O.Carnevali Principal investigator) 
Completed Research Support
2013 AQUAEXCEL (FP7): new diets in ballan Wrasse culture (I.Olivotto Principal Investigator )
2012-2015-(PRIN2010-2011) Title: Turmoil exerted by endocrine disruptors in vertebrates: emerging aspects in the induction of obesity and reproductive activity alteration Role: O.Carnevali Principal investigator 
2012-2015 COST European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research AQUAGAMET. Role: O.Carnevali Co-investigator 
2011-2014- Ministero della sanità progetti finalizzati 2009- RF-2009-1536185Title: Food and environmental safety: the problem of the endocrine disruptors Role: Co-investigator
2011-2013 Ministry of Economic Development. Accordo quadro MiSe-ICE-CRUI prog 210. Innovative processes for the formulation of functional probiotic supplements to promote the welfare and growth of fish species in aquaculture Role Principal investigator
2010- -International Research Networking and Collaboration Scheme. Collaboration between the UK, China, Norway and Italy to improve fish health and ensure sustainable aquaculture Role: Co-investigator
2010-2012 (MIUR) CUP I31J10000050001 Role: Co-investigator
2009-2010-SFOP 2000/2006-Misura 4.6 "Azioni innovative”- DGRN.457 del 19-04- 06pratica 04 MI 040706. Role: Principal investigator
2008-2010 PRIN 2008 O.Carnevali
2007 Study of the effects of heat during the food pelleting process on the immunomodulating properties of Ergosan II (Shering Plough Aquacolture) Role: Principal investigator
2006 Study of the effects of heat during the food pelleting process on the immunomodulating properties of Ergosan I (Shering Plough Aquaculture) Role: Principal investigator
2006 Molecular study of the effects of Ergosan on salmon affected with pancreatic disease (PD) (Shering Plough Aquaculture) Role: Principal investigator
2006 Experimental probiotic bacteria for aquaculture species in order to optimize these probiotics for possible future commercial exploitation. (INVE TECHNOLOGIES SA) Role: Principal investigator
2004-2005 SFOP Misura 4.6 “Azione Innovative” Pratica n.02 MI 210604 Bis. Role: Principal investigator
2004 – 2006: ( MIUR) Role: Co-investigator
2002-2004:Analysis of the effects of gravity and space standing on the reproduction success of a fresh-water fish: determination of predictive markers (“Agenzia Spaziale Italiana” Italian Space Agency - ASI ) Role: Co-investigator
2005 Modulation of gene expression by Ergosan and UCL1 (Shering Plough Aquaculture) Role: Principal investigator
2003-2005: Towards cryopreservation of fish oocytes: studies on oocyte envelopes and hydration processes during oocyte maturation" CRYOCYTE- EU-FP6 Role: Co-investigator
2003-2004 (MIUR) Lysosomal enzymes involved in aquatic organisms oocytes maturation Role: Co-investigator
Dott. Ike Olivotto
National and International Scientific Collaborations
University of Calgary, Canada
University of Maryland, Baltimore USA
Center for Genomic Medicine Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA
Plymouth University, Plymouth UK 
University of California – San Diego –U.S.A.
University of the Sunshine Coast – Australia
Sbarrow Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine- Philadelphia U.S.A 
University of Bergen, Norway
University of Science & Technology (NTNU) Trondheim, Norway
Cirad-Ifremer, Montpellier , France
Università di Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Heraklion, Crete GREECE 
071 220 4990
Associate Professor
071 2204643
Dr. Giorgia Gioacchini
 071 220 4990
Dr. Francesca Maradonna
071 220 4643
Post Doc

Giulia Chemello
tel. 071 2204020

Study Bursary
Luca Marisaldi
tel. 071 2204020
Giulia Russo
tel. 071 2204334
PhD Students:
Matteo Zarantoniello
tel. 071 2204020
Sara Filippi
tel. 071 2204334
Christian Giommi
tel. 071 2204020
Stefano Ratti
tel. 071 2204020
staff laboratorio biologia dello sviluppo e della riproduzione
Biorad IQ5 Real Time PCR, CFX Biorad Real Time,  Gel doc EZ imager, Elisa reader, HPLC, termalcyclers, NanoPhotometer P-Class, 2 D electrophoresis, Ibridizzatore, SpeedVac, incubators, hoods,  Electrophoresis systems and gel scan reader for DNA and proteins, microtome, fluorescent microscope equipped with colour and B/W cameras, steromicroscope, CO2 incubator.  
zebrafish housing sistem and acquarium facility for rearing and breeding marine and freshwater species.
embrioni di pseudochronis fridmani, al microscopio ottico 10x, a 48 ore post fecondazione
