
Engeenering - 5th - Quota 150
Research Activity
The main research interest of Dr. Fiorini is the use of fluorescence spectroscopy to study biological membranes physical state (in artificial membranes, isolated membranes and membranes in whole cells) and proteins in solution or embedded into artificial membranes. The physical state is a very important feature for membrane functions, and it can be modulated by a variety of endogenous and exogenous factors. A specific physical state is necessary to assure the optimal mobility and flexibility of the proteins involved in membrane functions. In the last few years she applied the steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy to study biological membranes isolated from bivalve mollusks.  click on the images to enlarge
Spettroscopia di fluorescenza Laurdan comportamento spettrale del Laurdan
Study of proteins in solution or embedded into artificial membranes Study of endocannabinoids in biological and artificial systems  Enzymatic activity
pla2 endocannabinoidi attività enzimatiche attività enzimatiche
tel. 071 2204396


Beckman UV-Vis spectrophotometer
pH meter
Analytical and technical balances 
Circulating water bath, Haake
Beckman preparative centrifuge and Beckman ultracentrifuge, equipped with fixed angle and swing-out rotors
LiposoFast apparatus, Avestin,Inc
LS50B and LS55 Perkin Elmer fluorometers (see figure on the side)
Spettrofluorimetri per misure di fluorescenza statica