First level degree in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection

First level degree in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection A.Y. 2021/2022
This course has a duration of three years and consists of 20 exams as well as a training experience in either public structures or private companies. For the access, it is sufficient to have either an Italian high school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad that is recognized as equivalent, without any entry test aimed at selection.
Our BSc programme in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection belongs to the Italian class L-32 (Sciences and technologies for the environment and nature) and it was activated in 2002/2003, in collaboration with local authorities, such as the Municipality of Falconara (Ancona), the Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection of Marche Region (ARPAM)
and the Department of Civil Protection, at National and Regional level. The programme takes into account the current demand for training in environmental and civil protection. Indeed, it integrates knowledge of basic sciences with in-depth skills relating to the environment and ecosystems, global changes, hydrogeological, seismic and volcanic hazards, environmental pollution, monitoring techniques, environmental remediation; moreover, a specialized training in civil protection is added on such scientific basis, in terms of forecasting, prevention and management of emergencies, which makes this course unique in the Italian scenario.
This course aims to train professionals who will be able to manage environmental monitoring systems, for pollution, remediation, and environmental restoration, in order to recover degraded environments, to evaluate the possible alterations due to catastrophic events or to the impact of human activities. Graduates will be able to cooperate in the various activities related to civil protection, such as analysis and risk prediction, prevention and management of emergencies, rescue, and post-emergency return to normality. These issues are both complex and relevant, and require the development of innovative methods which can be acquired through a multi-disciplinary university education as well as through in-the-field experience.
There will also be specific courses related to the theoretical and methodological study of environmental protection, such as ecology, environmental impact assessment, environmental regulations, methods of environmental remediation and methodologies to study environmental health.
The theoretical and methodological study of civil protection will also be considered, including prevention and forecasting of natural disasters, disasters and emergencies; rules of civil protection, public health emergencies; fundamentals of geo-climatic risks; computer science and telecommunications for civil protection.
Our students will be facilitated in their future career choices as they will be required to carry out practical work in university laboratories, research centers and regional and national civil protection coordination centers, public bodies or private companies involved in environmental and civil protection issues.
Career Opportunities
The degree course in Environmental Sciences and Civil Protection is intended to give the graduates on the one hand a multi-disciplinary training on the fundamentals of basic science subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Biology, and on the other by a deep and integrated knowledge about the environment, the methodologies and techniques for the environmental conditions analysis and the technologies to solve environmental problems of anthropogenic origin. At the same time, and on the basis of this scientific experience, training, knowledge and expertise of the many activities related to civil protection are inserted, such as: analysis and prediction of extreme natural processes, prevention, emergency management and rescue, post-emergency interventions necessary to ensure the return to a normal situation. Graduates will also have the ability to collect and interpret data in their field of study useful for determining independent judgments on specific issues that include reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues, as well as the ability to communicate to specialists in the various fields of environmental science and civil protection, (but also to non-specialist partners) the collected information, the ideas to be proposed in his/her field of work, the problems that may arise and their solutions. These skills are acquired following rigorous theoretical lessons , as well as through practical exercises provided for each course and also through internships in institutions, in public or private laboratories specialized in environmental and civil protection issues.
Function in a work context:
Ability to cooperate in environmental and civil protection emergency
Ability to carry out an assessment of environmental systems
Ability to manage environmental monitoring systems
Ability to evaluate and interpret environmental data
Ability to take environmental samples in field and in analysis laboratory (chemical, biological or microbiological)
Ability to use computer and communications for civil and environmental protection
Ability to perform environmental consulting (environmental impact assessment)
Ability to carry out consultancy in the field of civil protection (preparation and evaluation of emergency plans)
Ability to coordinate environmental education projects
Ability to perform management and control functions respecting the public bodies environmental legislation
This course prepares our graduates for the following professions:
Lab technician for environmental chemical, biological, microbiological analysis;
Expert in the management of civil protection activities;
Environmental Monitoring Technician;
Environmental recovery Technologist;
Expert in Environmental Impact Assessment.
Istat professions:
Environmental Control Technician
Environmental Remediation Technician