Structural Biochemistry Lab

Structural Biochemistry
Engineering - Quota 150
Research Activity
The research activity is focused on the structural-functional relationships in soluble and membrane proteins. Circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy are the main spectroscopic techniques used to study the protein structure.
Structural/functional characterization and potential applications of lipocalins, a family of proteins able to bind small hydrophobic molecules
Studies on the stability, aggregation and fibrillation of amyloidogenic proteins
Caratterizzazione strutturale/funzionale e potenziali applicazioni delle lipocaline, proteine leganti piccole molecole idrofobiche Caratterizzazione strutturale/funzionale e potenziali applicazioni delle lipocaline, proteine leganti piccole molecole idrofobiche Studi di stabilità, di aggregazione e fibrillazione di proteine amiloidogeniche
click on images to enlarge
Interaction of proteins with exogenous and biologically active molecules Interaction of proteins with biological model membranes
Interazione di proteine con molecole esogene ad attività biologica Interazione di proteine con molecole esogene ad attività biologica Interazione di proteine con membrane biologiche modello Interazione di proteine con membrane biologiche modello
tel. 071 2204662
Dott. Beatrice Maggiore
Perkin-Elmer 1760-X FT-IR spectrometer with DTGS detector and SPECTRUM software for data acquisition and analysis. The spectrometer is equipped with an air-dryer and a thermostated cell. spettrometro FT-IR Perkin-Elmer, Mod. 1760-X
Nicolet NEXUS FT-IR Spectrometer equipped with DTGS and MCT detectors, air-dryer, thermostated cell, OMNIC and GRAMS32 softwares and  "rapid scan" to obtain spectra in microseconds scale.  spettrometro FT-IR Nicolet NEXUS The Nicolet NEXUS FT-IR Spectrometer i salso equipped with:
(a) ATR (attenuated total reflectance) for liquid, gel and solid samples analysis and (b) "grazing angle" accessory (specular reflectance) for the analysis of thin films on surfaces A diamond anvil cell for measurements of biological samples at high pressures.
cella a diamante (diamond anvil cell)
ATR (attenuated total reflectance) e "grazing angle accessory" (specular reflectance) ATR (attenuated total reflectance) e "grazing angle accessory" (specular reflectance) cella a diamante (diamond anvil cell) cella a diamante (diamond anvil cell)
In the Lab are also available:
A JASCO J-500 Circular dicroism spectrometer spettrometro di dicroismo circolare Jasco Mod. J-500A

UV-VIS spectrophotometers

vari spettrofotometri UV-VIS Two spectrofluorometers equipped with polarizers and thermostated cell spettrofluorimetri corredati di polarizzatori e di celle termostatate
